Argh, havent posted in 5 days. Lazy :p
School has started! But i bet half of us are still in the "SIP" mood and don't wish school to start. We'll settle in soon enough though. I envy those with 1 month breaks, because i don't have anyway. I have 21 weeks of non stop school. But i do have my Monday's free so its a consolation.
My parent's are out for the long weekend so i have the house all to myself. It's quite weird listening to the dead silence as i type on the keyboard. It's freaky almost. Usually at this time i'll hear the quiet hum of the fans of the other rooms and the almost soft whir of the television in the living room. Now theres just... air.
Angels and Airwaves album got leaked! I downloaded it first thing on thursday and i think its..... meh. I think its abit over hyped, and its just so so only. Good job on the guitar riffs and the unique sound though, but i think its anything but punk.
Downloaded Adobe premier and after effects too. Going to try my hand at cutting some MTV's or something. Will post the results. Haha.
And yes, school hasn't started, but im excited.
(Oh and i'm getting the macbook, as well as 1230192310 in school. Alot of people getting. That is, if UOB does not fail me and reject my giro application. If it does... T_T)
Sunday, April 30, 2006
OMG MTV!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! #3

Artic Monkeys - When the sun goes down
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Apple releases 17" MacBook Pro

Click Here
The new 17 Inch costs $5000 SGD and you probably have to be really insane or filthy rich to get it. It brings back firewire 800 to the macbook pro, as well as an (1680x 1050)insanely high res lcd screen (), 3 usb ports, 1gb of ram and 120gb hard disk.
We are now approaching.... Monkey land.
(this post was supposed to be posted yesterday but blogger wasn't working the whole night)
First day of school was quite hectic, and i was not prepared for it at all. I haven't prepared my timetable at all and i had to do it last minute.
And then there was some scary confusion last night that we have to hand in the log books and the reports on monday. *AHEM*chris*AHEM* Luckily Jeff told me that we can hand in anytime tomorrow.
I also realised that i lacked 3 more Cu's in order to clear my diploma elective's. I got broadcast design today (i took the last slot but others may still get it if someone drops it) and i changed my COMDA class to T06 (desmond's class). I didn't drop anything, going to cheong this semester and try to clear all my electives so that i have a pretty empty semester 6.
This is going to be one exciting semester.
In case you didnt know already, i dropped my powerbook.
I'll wait 5 minutes for you to gasp in silence at my stupidity.
Back? I'm not going to tell you a grandfather story, just that someone knocked over my powerbook while i'm on the escalator while i was on it and ran away. I didn't even get a chance to stop the guy.
So now i'm left with a spoilt powerbook with no warranty. Yay. Chris was the first to tell me that the school was having some crazy hire purchase plan for the macbook pro, and i'm considering getting one to replace my spoilt notebook. I'm suay i guess.
A bunch of us made badges during school today too. Si yuan brought the machine over and we made alot of badges and brought a few home too. We were like mad raving paper craving madmen, tearing pages out of anything that can be teared and whomping them into the badge making machine. I'm lazy to take photos but they're nice.
Back to SIP report.
First day of school was quite hectic, and i was not prepared for it at all. I haven't prepared my timetable at all and i had to do it last minute.
And then there was some scary confusion last night that we have to hand in the log books and the reports on monday. *AHEM*chris*AHEM* Luckily Jeff told me that we can hand in anytime tomorrow.
I also realised that i lacked 3 more Cu's in order to clear my diploma elective's. I got broadcast design today (i took the last slot but others may still get it if someone drops it) and i changed my COMDA class to T06 (desmond's class). I didn't drop anything, going to cheong this semester and try to clear all my electives so that i have a pretty empty semester 6.
This is going to be one exciting semester.
In case you didnt know already, i dropped my powerbook.
I'll wait 5 minutes for you to gasp in silence at my stupidity.
Back? I'm not going to tell you a grandfather story, just that someone knocked over my powerbook while i'm on the escalator while i was on it and ran away. I didn't even get a chance to stop the guy.
So now i'm left with a spoilt powerbook with no warranty. Yay. Chris was the first to tell me that the school was having some crazy hire purchase plan for the macbook pro, and i'm considering getting one to replace my spoilt notebook. I'm suay i guess.
A bunch of us made badges during school today too. Si yuan brought the machine over and we made alot of badges and brought a few home too. We were like mad raving paper craving madmen, tearing pages out of anything that can be teared and whomping them into the badge making machine. I'm lazy to take photos but they're nice.
Back to SIP report.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Fine. Haha. Sorry for being away for so long. After the long weekend (spent eating lots of snacks and terraforming into an actual potato) i had to go back to the office to do alot of work. I'm right now in the process of cleaning up elipva's home page redesign done by the previous designer and its not an easy task.
Can't wait to get back to normal life. School that is. I hope block teaching isn't that bad. I'm not looking forward to it, but im intruiged by it, nontheless. I hope it doesn't screw us up in terms of time management.
Going clubbing on friday. It's going to be my second time stepping into a club.
Ok, back to work, no time for a <br>. Hehe.
Can't wait to get back to normal life. School that is. I hope block teaching isn't that bad. I'm not looking forward to it, but im intruiged by it, nontheless. I hope it doesn't screw us up in terms of time management.
Going clubbing on friday. It's going to be my second time stepping into a club.
Ok, back to work, no time for a <br>. Hehe.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Du Du Du Du Duu Du.
Good friday is here, and that means my long long gaming weekend is here! No time to talk, time to play!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I just remembered Friday is a public holiday. Fuck, i would have just walked into work and looked like a fool if nobody reminded me.
Silly me.
Silly me.
OMG MTV!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! #2

Ok enough joking around. (if you don't get it go watch the mtv) Here is another one, an old one, but its a classic, when it came out it was queen's #1 song. Some say its the song of the millenium. I don't know, i just think the MTV is funny. Song is good though. Is this where Mew got their album cover inspiration from?
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
OMG MTV!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! #1

It has dead deer, rubber duckies, and explosions morphing into ballerina's, of course you would like it. :) Enjoy. Thanks Glenn for suggesting this fatty tumour. -_-||
Taking Back Sunday - MakeDamnSure
I think i'm going to fall sick.
The weather has been horrible the past few days, i always wake up sniffling and cold, and because i have a habit of showering before i go out everyday, i end up having a slight cold that lasts up until late afternoon, sometimes for the whole day. I think it can be classified under a sinus condition. It's always been like that since i was young, and bad weather only makes it worse. Headaches, stomach-ache's, joint pains, damn i sound like an old person.
Rain is nice, but not when it makes me sneeze like a fuckhead T_T.
There was no blog yesterday because i was exercising my right to be lazy. And that right also allows me to procrastinate, but i shall refrain from doing that here today. :).
I've been listening and looping to a few songs over the past few days, listening to alot of Artic Monkey's songs. Going to find more music to download over the weekend, i'll post if i find anything nice. I also found this thing that is basically Last FM (a service that allows you to install a plugin into your itunes so that you automatically can have a listing of all your songs and charts, and the music you listen to the most, etc.) and makes it a HTML button or chart or graphic. I'm thinking of adding something like that to my sidebar, so i'm going to take a look at it later tonight.
Leaving elipva in 10 days.
The weather has been horrible the past few days, i always wake up sniffling and cold, and because i have a habit of showering before i go out everyday, i end up having a slight cold that lasts up until late afternoon, sometimes for the whole day. I think it can be classified under a sinus condition. It's always been like that since i was young, and bad weather only makes it worse. Headaches, stomach-ache's, joint pains, damn i sound like an old person.
Rain is nice, but not when it makes me sneeze like a fuckhead T_T.
There was no blog yesterday because i was exercising my right to be lazy. And that right also allows me to procrastinate, but i shall refrain from doing that here today. :).
I've been listening and looping to a few songs over the past few days, listening to alot of Artic Monkey's songs. Going to find more music to download over the weekend, i'll post if i find anything nice. I also found this thing that is basically Last FM (a service that allows you to install a plugin into your itunes so that you automatically can have a listing of all your songs and charts, and the music you listen to the most, etc.) and makes it a HTML button or chart or graphic. I'm thinking of adding something like that to my sidebar, so i'm going to take a look at it later tonight.
Leaving elipva in 10 days.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Went for qing ming today with my parents. It was quite a morning, had to endure a few hours of screaming hot sun and heavy smoke to pay our respects to my grandparents and my grand uncle. But being there made me realise how much our traditions are dying. There seems to be lesser and lesser people there nowadays.
I took a few photos, will post them up later if i have the time. Watching Man U vs Arsenal now with my dad. Haven't watched soccer in awhile...
I took a few photos, will post them up later if i have the time. Watching Man U vs Arsenal now with my dad. Haven't watched soccer in awhile...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Dani California
I saw this at ingrid's blog and i laughed my ass off. Awesome song though.
Red hot chilli peppers - Dani California
Red hot chilli peppers - Dani California
of Hookers and Horses

Yeah, i'm a slacker.
Just came back from bugis, went out with xh for awhile and we bought a pair of rings that were long overdue. Supposed to get them ages ago but we kept delaying it. Their nice, but i wish i got mine a size bigger. Maybe im not used to it yet.
I am lagging behind on Lost, i missed 2 episodes and i don't even realise it. Going to watch them now.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Perfect 10
Tonight gonna go eat prata with the IMD gang. I have no idea where we are going to eat but i'll just tag along and hope that jacky know's a good prata place. lol.
SIP only left 2 more weeks, and my Supervisor has stopped giving me any "big" projects to do. So far quite ok la, i think i mostly work on small projects anyway. I did the layout for an MOH portal, a few corporate templates for elipva itself, and then edit a few websites here and there lor. By far the most complex project is the MOH one because i had to redo the entire site and literally code everything from nothing. Damn scary at first, but i managed to pull it off somehow. I hope the rest of you are doing fine for SIP, don't come back to school a zombie... haha.
I also just realised its 10 days to 10 months. <3 you dear.
SIP only left 2 more weeks, and my Supervisor has stopped giving me any "big" projects to do. So far quite ok la, i think i mostly work on small projects anyway. I did the layout for an MOH portal, a few corporate templates for elipva itself, and then edit a few websites here and there lor. By far the most complex project is the MOH one because i had to redo the entire site and literally code everything from nothing. Damn scary at first, but i managed to pull it off somehow. I hope the rest of you are doing fine for SIP, don't come back to school a zombie... haha.
I also just realised its 10 days to 10 months. <3 you dear.
Channel Frederator

Channel Frederator
Channel Frederator is a weekly cartoon videocast that is created by Fred Seibert's Frederator Studios, the world's leading independant animation producers. They've produced stuff like Fairy Oddparents, Dexter's Lab and the Powerpuff Girls.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Mardy Bum
I hacked my blog!
I just updated my blog with a couple of features, and i guess i'm ready to finally say its done. Click the read more button to see them.
Extended blog posts
You've just used it. It's used when i have non personal or important stuff to blog about that is long and draggy, or it can be used on long blog posts so that it won't clutter the home page down and make it too long. Also allows me to post longer posts and have more posts on the homepage. To extend a post, click the read more button when it appears below posts. it will enlarge the post.
Peekaboo comments
Now, instead of comments for posts popping up in a new window or loading an ugly blogger comment page, clicking the comment button will pop out the comments at the bottom of the post (using CSS!) and have a link to post a comment to, which will then load up another window. I hope this makes people comment more -_-. But then again, i need to blog more too. Hah.
Archives sorted by titles
I'd expect i will have alot of blog posts per month and it's easier to sort out my archives this way than to list out ALL the blogs open in one page.
Extended blog posts
You've just used it. It's used when i have non personal or important stuff to blog about that is long and draggy, or it can be used on long blog posts so that it won't clutter the home page down and make it too long. Also allows me to post longer posts and have more posts on the homepage. To extend a post, click the read more button when it appears below posts. it will enlarge the post.
Peekaboo comments
Now, instead of comments for posts popping up in a new window or loading an ugly blogger comment page, clicking the comment button will pop out the comments at the bottom of the post (using CSS!) and have a link to post a comment to, which will then load up another window. I hope this makes people comment more -_-. But then again, i need to blog more too. Hah.
Archives sorted by titles
I'd expect i will have alot of blog posts per month and it's easier to sort out my archives this way than to list out ALL the blogs open in one page.
Occasionally i like to blog about certain technology related stuff that alot of you care don't care about. I've decided to label the titles some of my tech related posts and i came up with something interesting. Tech Tips will now be labeled as titties TT's.
Good day.
(On the subject of tech stuff, im currently hacking my blogger template to include a few nice features that i can have for my blog. Update later.)
Good day.
(On the subject of tech stuff, im currently hacking my blogger template to include a few nice features that i can have for my blog. Update later.)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Its time for a sexy party!
It's done. Did the layout in one day, fixed some problems and made it work during work. I'll add more stuff tomorrow if i have the time, but this should be the end of me being lazy and not doing any work.
That said, work has been decent. The people at the workplace are nice, and the atmosphere is somewhat cosy due to a few alterations to the office done by the other two designers there. (although it still reeks of the plain square office atmosphere. You could almost breathe it in.) So i'm still surviving. A few more weeks to go.
I got a new phone recently. I got the MotorolaV3i. I've always liked the v3 but decided to get a v3i because it has removable memory and came with a 256mb memory card. Thats twice as much as v3x even! The reason i changed my phone was because i was fed up with fucking nokia symbian phones. I swear, everytime i touch a symbian phone, it hangs for no good reason. Maybe i am cursed to never use nokia products or something, but i once liked their phones. Alot. Three of my nokia phones have either been lost or stolen and the rest just plain sucked. Just don't get a nokia symbian phone no matter how nice it sounds.
My parents just came back from Hong Kong, and all they got me was a stupid towel.

not just any towel.

I see the lights every night when i walk home.
It's done. Did the layout in one day, fixed some problems and made it work during work. I'll add more stuff tomorrow if i have the time, but this should be the end of me being lazy and not doing any work.
That said, work has been decent. The people at the workplace are nice, and the atmosphere is somewhat cosy due to a few alterations to the office done by the other two designers there. (although it still reeks of the plain square office atmosphere. You could almost breathe it in.) So i'm still surviving. A few more weeks to go.
I got a new phone recently. I got the MotorolaV3i. I've always liked the v3 but decided to get a v3i because it has removable memory and came with a 256mb memory card. Thats twice as much as v3x even! The reason i changed my phone was because i was fed up with fucking nokia symbian phones. I swear, everytime i touch a symbian phone, it hangs for no good reason. Maybe i am cursed to never use nokia products or something, but i once liked their phones. Alot. Three of my nokia phones have either been lost or stolen and the rest just plain sucked. Just don't get a nokia symbian phone no matter how nice it sounds.
My parents just came back from Hong Kong, and all they got me was a stupid towel.

not just any towel.

I see the lights every night when i walk home.
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Blog Archive
- Start The Machine
- OMG MTV!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! #3
- Apple releases 17" MacBook Pro
- We are now approaching.... Monkey land.
- Oei! UPDATE La!
- Du Du Du Du Duu Du.
- toot.
- OMG MTV!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! #2
- OMG MTV!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! #1
- Sniffles
- Smokemachine
- Dani California
- of Hookers and Horses
- Perfect 10
- Channel Frederator
- Mardy Bum
- I hacked my blog!
- TT's!
- Its time for a sexy party!