I'm going to try this. Taken from christine's and xh's blog.
Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the questions (which i got from her blog as well, but you can come up with your own i guess). No cheating.
How am I feeling today?
Storm in a Teacup by Red Hot Chilli Peppers (nice.)
Will I get far in life?
XO by Fall Out Boy (right.)
How do my friends see me?
Street Car by Funeral For a Friend (vroom.)
When will I get Married?
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol (i hope i don't have to chase a car that day.)
What's my theme song?
Reckless Abandon by Blink 182 (I used to like to sing to this song alot actually.)
What is the story of my life?
Denpatou by Asian Kung Fu Generation (I must've been japanese in my past life.)
How can I get ahead in life?
Stereo by Story of the Year (I must become a music player!)
What is my best feature?
Extra Ordinary Girl by Green Day (I am gay. Shit.)
How is today going to be?
Dressed to Kill by New Found Glory (Sheesh, of course. :))
What is in store for this week?
I'm Alive by Disturbed (ROAR!)
What is my life like at the moment?
Something isn't Right Here by The Juliana Theory (Lols. But everything feels right leh.)
What song describes my secrets?
Forget It by Breaking Benjamin (I have no secrets, thats why. Hah.)
What is my current lover like?
I Won't Be Home For Christmas by Blink 182 (LOL. I wonder what this means)
What song will they play at my funeral?
How does the world see me?
The Story by 30 Second To Mars (epic sia.)
Will I have a happy life?
Lights and Sounds by Yellowcard (like fireworks like that, of course happy la. Lol.)
What do my friends really think of me?
Papercut by Linkin Park (Live in Texas) (The sunnnnnnnn goessss downnnnnnn... I feel the light betray me.....)
Will I accomplish my goals in life?
Part of the Queue by Oasis (Slowly i guess.)
Will I find true love?
On My Own by The Used (LOL. Nah i wont be lonely, because i found love ON MY OWN ;p)
How do I treat others?
Evil and a Heathen by Franz Ferdinand (I eat them.)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
So i recently got a Macbook Pro, and it's already a little grumpy. Must be because it know's i destroyed one of its ancestors.
I spent the weekend trying to reinstall OS X, failing each time. I was wondering what was the problem, because i didn't do anything drastic to it. Then this morning, i woke up, went down, bought a pack of tiny screwdrivers, unscrewed the ram slot, took out the 1gb of ram that i bought for it, and it worked fine.
It was because of a third party item that made my ram wonky. Go figure.
But other than that i <3 my laptop.
Oh ya, check out Xiaohui's blog if u need new music to listen to. The song rocks balls.
1 year coming...
I spent the weekend trying to reinstall OS X, failing each time. I was wondering what was the problem, because i didn't do anything drastic to it. Then this morning, i woke up, went down, bought a pack of tiny screwdrivers, unscrewed the ram slot, took out the 1gb of ram that i bought for it, and it worked fine.
It was because of a third party item that made my ram wonky. Go figure.
But other than that i <3 my laptop.
Oh ya, check out Xiaohui's blog if u need new music to listen to. The song rocks balls.
1 year coming...
Monday, May 15, 2006
The day it died.
The leader and youngest of the first generation Titans, divine descendants of Gaea.
He is eager to serve, to prove his mettle.
Rest in peace Gaea.
The leader and youngest of the first generation Titans, divine descendants of Gaea.
He is eager to serve, to prove his mettle.
Rest in peace Gaea.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
OMG MTV!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! #4 - "Snow Patrol - Hands Open"
Another week, another MTV. After scouting around the deep darkness of youtube, i found this video of a new song from Snow Patrol's new album "Eyes Open". I really like their music, i feel its quite unique and has very much an indie feel to it. Kinda like weezer. Enjoy.
Snow Patrol - Hands Open
Snow Patrol - Hands Open
I'm Standing Here
Long reflective post.
Admist all the chaos and confusion, a new semester begins, officially.
Been chilling out most of the day, enjoying my last sips of freedom, awaiting the painful truth that is foreboding. The next 5 months is going to be quite simply put, amazing. I guess if i were to bring back one thing from SIP, just one thing alone, would be that being able to enjoy what you were doing was the key to success. I'm sure many would nod their heads slowly in a similar fashion if i say that if we don't appreciate or like what we are doing, why we are staying up late nights burning the midnight oil or struggling so hard in school in doing so, is that we are doing what we like, and showing the rest of the world what we can offer in the process. We may not be accountants or businessmen, we may not be politicians or salesmen, but we are damn passionate about what we do and we do it well. It doesn't matter who says whether or not we can do what we want to do, whether which school or polytechnic has more facilities or ability, but its about the passion.
Block teaching was thought up by Moses because he felt that we were often staying up late nights trying to complete projects, and thus he tried to help us by easing the process in which we go through our daily school routine. Thanks, but i'm sorry, you'll see most of us staying up late at night once again. Not because we hate block teaching, most of us are curious about what it can offer, but alot of us stay up because WE WANT to. It is this same reason and drive that can get us far in what we are doing.
There are a million ways to achieve something, but each of us are doing our way, weaving our own unique thread to the door at the very end of the path.

Wah, so many big words, so philosophical sia.
I got kinda cheesed that i have to wake up at 7 every morning to get to school by 9 for my first block this semester, AND i have to sit through 4 hours of web based pleasure for InMa 2 every day for the next 4 weeks.
I'm thinking of working on a new site that will contain my portfolio. I don't have much to show still, but re designing another permanent layout for my portfolio would be nice. I got partly influenced to do it after looking at Justin's new layout. Go check out his new layout, its not bad.
My parents returned home from their trip to batam today, apparently they met up with alot of problems to and fro, luggage went missing, they had to deal with indonesian mafia etc...
No i'm not kidding abt the last sentence, it was true. Well, according to my younger sister anyway.
That's all i have in my head now, going to go play o2jam with xh now.
I have this feeling it's going to feel like the first day of school all over again.
Silly abel.
Admist all the chaos and confusion, a new semester begins, officially.
Been chilling out most of the day, enjoying my last sips of freedom, awaiting the painful truth that is foreboding. The next 5 months is going to be quite simply put, amazing. I guess if i were to bring back one thing from SIP, just one thing alone, would be that being able to enjoy what you were doing was the key to success. I'm sure many would nod their heads slowly in a similar fashion if i say that if we don't appreciate or like what we are doing, why we are staying up late nights burning the midnight oil or struggling so hard in school in doing so, is that we are doing what we like, and showing the rest of the world what we can offer in the process. We may not be accountants or businessmen, we may not be politicians or salesmen, but we are damn passionate about what we do and we do it well. It doesn't matter who says whether or not we can do what we want to do, whether which school or polytechnic has more facilities or ability, but its about the passion.
Block teaching was thought up by Moses because he felt that we were often staying up late nights trying to complete projects, and thus he tried to help us by easing the process in which we go through our daily school routine. Thanks, but i'm sorry, you'll see most of us staying up late at night once again. Not because we hate block teaching, most of us are curious about what it can offer, but alot of us stay up because WE WANT to. It is this same reason and drive that can get us far in what we are doing.
There are a million ways to achieve something, but each of us are doing our way, weaving our own unique thread to the door at the very end of the path.

Wah, so many big words, so philosophical sia.
I got kinda cheesed that i have to wake up at 7 every morning to get to school by 9 for my first block this semester, AND i have to sit through 4 hours of web based pleasure for InMa 2 every day for the next 4 weeks.
I'm thinking of working on a new site that will contain my portfolio. I don't have much to show still, but re designing another permanent layout for my portfolio would be nice. I got partly influenced to do it after looking at Justin's new layout. Go check out his new layout, its not bad.
My parents returned home from their trip to batam today, apparently they met up with alot of problems to and fro, luggage went missing, they had to deal with indonesian mafia etc...
No i'm not kidding abt the last sentence, it was true. Well, according to my younger sister anyway.
That's all i have in my head now, going to go play o2jam with xh now.
I have this feeling it's going to feel like the first day of school all over again.
Silly abel.
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